Luxembourg for Tourism (LFT)

Created on December 18, 2015, Luxembourg for Tourism (LFT) is an economic interest group dedicated to the promotion of tourism in Luxembourg. Under the supervision of the Minister of the Economy, it unites and impartially represents both public and private professionals from the sector. LFT succeeded the Office National du Tourisme (ONT) that was founded in 1931.

One of the organisation’s primary objectives is promoting Luxembourg as a tourism destination, both abroad and within the country, in accordance with the national brand image. Another main objective is to help develop the heritage and natural, cultural, and historical richness of the country, its five regions, and the capital.

LFT and its 27 employees are also active in the management of the destination, supporting national policies regarding quality and sustainable tourism development.

Furthermore, LFT provides its members with expertise and technical support, offering modern digital infrastructure, statistical and marketing tools, and its perspective on the latest trends in Luxembourg, the EU, and elsewhere.

Its members are:

  • The Luxembourg state  
  • ORT Éislek
  • ORT Région Mullerthal PSL
  • ORT Région Moselle luxembourgeoise
  • ORT du Sud
  • ORT du Centre et de l'Ouest
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • CFL
  • Automobile Club of Luxembourg
  • Luxembourg Youth Hostels
  • APTR
  • Ville de Luxembourg
  • Luxembourg City Tourist Office

Meet the team