This page offers an overview of the different types of financial aid that the Ministry of the Economy offers for tourism projects carried out by communal administrations and non-profit associations.
Financial aid
1. Subsidies for tourism infrastructure
The 11th five-year tourism programme provides support for investments and facilities that contribute to national tourism infrastructure. Aimed at communes and communal associations, nature parks, non-profit associations, and foundations that advance tourism – as well as economic interest groups (in French, GIEs) – the programme is run every five years and promotes investments in the following areas:
- recreation and leisure infrastructure that may draw tourists
- welcome offices and tourism information centres
- accommodation for tourists
- development and materials for tourism sites
- material for public spaces frequented by tourists
- conservation and enhancement efforts for sites with natural, historical, or cultural value for tourism
- acquiring digital tools related to tourism
- carrying out tourism studies as well as developing plans and strategies
1.1. Cycling tourism
As cycling tourism and biking in general are political priorities, projects focused on planning, building, modernising, and equipping cycling routes may receive financial aid from the Ministry of the Economy under the 11th five-year programme for tourism infrastructure equipment.
2. Activities that support national tourism
In order to encourage communes and nonprofits to participate in the development of national tourism, the Ministry of the Economy offers subsidies for certain activities. These include organising and publicising events that draw tourists and carrying out other projects related to tourism.
3. Annual subsidies
In order to support organisations and nonprofits dedicated to tourism in their day-to-day operations, the Ministry of the Economy may fund a portion of their annual expenses.
4. Maintaining hiking paths and mountain bike trails
In order to support the voluntary work of tourism offices in carrying out one of their primary missions, two types of financial aid will be set aside for the maintenance and creation of hiking paths and mountain bike trails.
Aid is also available to communes which increasingly help to maintain these routes, thereby enhancing the tourism appeal of the country for both residents and visitors.
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4.1. Annual expenses breakdown (reserved for tourism offices)
This annual financial aid is reserved for tourism offices for routine maintenance work on trails as well as installing signposts and markers. This includes the following:
- cleaning up
- trimming vegetation such as grass, plants, and tree branches
- installing signposts and markers
- repairing benches and picnic tables
- emptying rubbish bins at trailheads
4.2. Acquiring material (communes and tourism offices)
This financial aid is aimed at communal administrations and tourism offices to obtain material for projects that will be carried out along hiking paths and mountain bike trails.
This material may include:
- signposts and markers (following guidelines in the signposting manual)
- material to build steps, guard rails, and pontoons
- benches, picnic tables, and rubbish bins
For tourism offices only:
- tools for routine maintenance of trails (hedge trimmers, string trimmers, lawnmowers, etc. )
Financial support for tourism projects
pdf | 7.22 MBDownload - Financial support for tourism projects | pdf | 7.22 MBOn the 30th of September 2024, the General Directorate of Tourism organised an information session on financial support for tourism projects that can benefit municipalities, GIE, natural parks, foundations and non-profit organisations (ASBL) working in tourism. The presentation of the event can be downloaded here.