Tourism strategy Luxembourg
© Thomas Jutzler

Mënschen, Regiounen an Ekonomie Tourism Strategie Luxembourg

Tourism development - major national directions

In June 2022, the General Directorate for Tourism unveiled Luxembourg’s tourism strategy. This strategy aims to strengthen the positive effects of tourism and support the sector in its fast-moving development, as well as be relevant and responsive to ever-evolving sustainability expectations. 

The goal is to sharpen, reframe, and put into practice the main strategic aims of Luxembourg’s tourism development policy. 

Tourism is indeed an important economic sector, and at the same time, it plays a central role in improving the quality of life of residents, cross-border workers, and tourists – as well as the sustainable development of the country.

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10 guidelines

The strategic document “Mënschen, Regiounen an Ekonomie” describes the vision of positioning Luxembourg as a destination. It also provides the framework of the targeted development of leisure tourism in Luxembourg.

This vision is supported by 10 guidelines, one of which specifies that Luxembourg tourism should “concentrate on the (changing) needs of people – customers, employees, residents, and cross-border workers – as well as reinforce and balance the quality of stay and the quality of life.”
Another guideline states that Luxembourg tourism should “position itself in the long term along defined, authentic topics, with specific, experiential offerings to the target group, which will strengthen the country’s brand image.”

An offering should also “be experienced as comfortable for everyone and accessible to everybody” regardless of age, disability, or heavy luggage that is carried.

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6 action areas

The defined strategic orientation also describes six action areas and their related measures. In order to continue developing in a targeted manner, Luxembourg tourism will concentrate on these key areas.

These areas include:

  • a contemporary and event-based offer,
  • attractive and sustainable businesses,
  • location quality that is sustainable for everyone,
  • integrative digitization that is geared toward benefits,
  • trust in cooperation and networks, and implementation centered on these goals.

As a tourism destination, the Grand Duchy has extraordinary potential. In addition to its rich offerings for tourists, it has assets that have become increasingly sought after in recent years.

The country’s strong points are the outdoor activities in the middle of a well-preserved and diverse nature, its strong welcoming culture, and its quality of life enjoyed by residents and tourists alike.

According to the statement “Mënschen, Regiounen an Ekonomie : de wäertorientéierten Tourismus als aktive Dreiwer fir méi Liewens- an Openthaltsqualitéit” going forward, the idea will be to extend the positive effects of tourism.

Also, in concert with the General Directorate for Tourism, Luxembourg for Tourism plans on taking advantage of this existing potential in order to further promote the country's tourism development.

This tourism strategy provides not only the blueprint for the future of tourism in the country, but it also points to the areas of development on which we should focus. Also, as a transversal sector, tourism in the Grand Duchy can actively contribute to  improving the economy, individual regions, and the lives of people.

Adolphe bridge

Luxembourg city © Polkadot Passport

Sustainability concept for tourism in Luxembourg

Find out more

Ministry of the Economy

Address: General Directorate for Tourism
19-21, boulevard Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg