Date(s) coming soon

Rad + Freizeit Forum Siegburg

Where? 1, Bachstraße, D-53721 Siegburg Workshop, Fairs


The ADFC Rhein Siegburg the 7th of April 2024 is a local fair that caters to the interests of cycling enthusiasts and advocates in the Rhein-Siegburg region of Germany. This fair is organized by the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC), organization dedicated to promoting cycling as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation.

In 2024 Destination Luxembourg will be the host country of this one-day travel fair!

The fair typically features a variety of activities and attractions that revolve around cycling. Visitors can expect bicycle exhibitions, workshops and demonstrations, cycling tours and rides, information booths, family-friendly activities, and more!



Address: Rad + Freizeit Forum Siegburg
1, Bachstraße
D-53721 Siegburg


Address: Luxembourg for Tourism GIE
6, rue Antoine de St. Exupéry
L-1432 Luxembourg