© Visit Luxembourg

Auto-pédestre trail Beringen

Starting point

next to the church in Beringen


next to the church in Beringen


5,86 km


1:46 h



  • Condition

Highest point

407 Hm

Lowest point

219 Hm

Aggregated Ascent

178 Hm

Aggregated Descent

178 Hm

Circular routes Visit Luxembourg


Circular walk Beringen

We cross the village and follow the road along the Bieréngerbaach to the edge of the forest. We climb up to the plateau and follow partly the national footpath "Sentier de la Petite Suisse" to the Reifeschbierg. We continue downhill to the starting point.

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Address: Circular walk Beringen
***** Beringen
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Auto-pédestre trail Beringen

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