Order our publications

Would you like to provide your guests, clients or customers with inspiration and information about destination Luxembourg? The Visit Luxembourg Publications, produced by Luxembourg for Tourism (LFT) can be ordered for free and distributed throughout the year. A full complement to our digital platforms, the multilingual brochures, magazines, guides and maps offer boundless travel inspiration and information.

Please select the desired brochures and quantity
  • © LFT


    Visit Luxembourg

    The national image brochure is an inspiring invitation for all first-time visitors to discover destination Luxembourg! It provides a warm and welcoming look at the diversity and beauty of the Grand Duchy. A short tour through Luxembourg’s urban life, cultural attractions, outdoors offer, and culinary delights, Visit Luxembourg is for anyone who is curious about the destination, especially first-time visitors, but also guests looking to experience more. Use this brochure to attract new clients, give guests a good reason to stay longer and discover more, or to return soon.

  • © LFT


    Luci magazine (EN)

    The travel magazine offers fans of our destination an intimate perspective of new and inspiring ways to explore Luxembourg. It includes stories of encounters with international and local personalities, who share their passions and favourite places. Offer Luci to your valued clients. The magazine can also be used as a post-stay gift. Luci captures the high-quality experience of travel in Luxembourg, and is an open invitation to return. An upscale product with 12 international design awards, Luci will certainly look good in your lobby, as a coffee table book, or wherever you would like to inspire guests and friends.

  • © LFT


    Luci magazine (DE)

    Das Reisemagazin bietet Fans unseres Reiseziels einen Einblick in neue und inspirierende Möglichkeiten, Luxemburg zu entdecken. Es enthält Geschichten von Begegnungen mit internationalen und lokalen Persönlichkeiten, die ihre Leidenschaften und Lieblingsorte mit den Lesern teilen. Bieten Sie Luci Ihren treuen Kunden an. Luci kann auch als Geschenk nach einem Aufenthalt verwendet werden, welches die hohe Qualität des Reiseerlebnisses in Luxemburg hervorhebt. In diesem Sinne ist Luci gleichzeitig eine Einladung zum Wiederkommen. Als hochwertiges Produkt, das seit 2020 mit zwölf internationalen Designpreisen ausgezeichnet wurde, macht Luci in Ihrer Lobby oder als Bildband überall dort eine gute Figur, wo Sie Gäste und Freunde inspirieren möchten.

  • © LFT


    Luci magazine (FR)

    Le magazine de voyage offre aux amateurs de notre destination une perspective intime sur des façons nouvelles et inspirantes d'explorer le Luxembourg. Il comprend des récits de rencontres avec des personnalités internationales et locales, qui partagent leurs passions et leurs lieux préférés. Offrez Luci à vos clients. Il peut également être utilisé comme cadeau de fin de séjour. Luci reflète la qualité de l'expérience de voyage au Luxembourg et constitue une invitation à revenir. Produit haut de gamme, Luci trouvera sa place dans votre hall d'entrée ou partout où vous souhaitez inspirer vos invités et vos amis.

  • © LFT


    Luci magazine (LU)

    The travel magazine offers fans of our destination an intimate perspective of new and inspiring ways to explore Luxembourg. It includes stories of encounters with international and local personalities, who share their passions and favourite places. Offer Luci to your valued clients. The magazine can also be used as a post-stay gift. Luci captures the high-quality experience of travel in Luxembourg, and is an open invitation to return. An upscale product with 12 international design awards, Luci will certainly look good in your lobby, as a coffee table book, or wherever you would like to inspire guests and friends.

  • © LFT


    100 things to do in Luxembourg (guide EN)

    What to do and where to go in Luxembourg: this compact guide lists attractions and activities divided into chapters showcasing the city and country’s five touristic regions. A useful travel planning aid for visitors to use on-site, the 100 things to do in Luxembourg pocket guide includes also the attractions and activities that your guests can visit for free or at a reduced admission price with the national LuxembourgPass. A must-have for those who are ready to explore. Offer it directly to your clients at the reception desk.

  • © LFT


    100 things to do in Luxembourg (guide FR)

    Que faire et où aller au Luxembourg : ce guide compact répertorie les attractions et activités réparties en chapitres présentant la ville et les cinq régions touristiques du pays. Pour vous aider à planifier votre séjour une fois sur place, le guide de poche 100 things to do in Luxembourg comprend également les attractions et activités que vos hôtes peuvent visiter gratuitement ou à prix réduit avec le LuxembourgPass. Un must pour ceux qui sont prêts à explorer le pays. Proposez-le directement à vos clients à la réception.

  • © LFT


    100 things to do in Luxembourg (guide DE)

    Was unternehmen und wohin zuerst gehen in Luxemburg: Dieser kompakte Führer listet Attraktionen und Aktivitäten auf. Er ist unterteilt in Kapitel, die die fünf touristischen Regionen der Stadt und des Landes vorstellen. Als nützliche Hilfe für die Reiseplanung vor Ort enthält der 100 things to do in Luxembourg pocket guide auch die Attraktionen und Aktivitäten, die Ihre Gäste mit dem nationalen LuxembourgPass kostenlos oder zu einem ermäßigten Eintrittspreis besuchen können. Ein Muss für alle, die auf Entdeckungstour gehen wollen. Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden den Guide direkt an der Rezeption an.

  • © LFT


    100 things to do in Luxembourg (guide NL)

    What to do and where to go in Luxembourg: this compact guide lists attractions and activities divided into chapters showcasing the city and country’s five touristic regions. A useful travel planning aid for visitors to use on-site, the 100 things to do in Luxembourg pocket guide includes also the attractions and activities that your guests can visit for free or at a reduced admission price with the national LuxembourgPass. A must-have for those who are ready to explore. Offer it directly to your clients at the reception desk.

  • © LFT


    100 things to do in Luxembourg (map)

    The 100 things to do in Luxembourg foldable map goes together with the pocket guide to aid travel planning and on-site orientation. The map gives visitors a clear geographic overview of the city and country. 100 attractions are also highlighted on the map. Guests will appreciate receiving these upon arrival to help them make the most out of their stay.

  • © LFT


    Hiking in Luxembourg (map)

    The foldable hiking map includes a geographic orientation of the country’s walking trails as well as useful information about the activity. It is the ideal entry-point to provide your guests with representative overview of the main hiking offer that they can experience in Luxembourg, with guidance where to find more specific information. Is your accommodation/company well-positioned to promote active tourism? Why not have them on display at your reception.

  • © LFT


    Biking in Luxembourg (map)

    The foldable biking map includes a geographic orientation of the country’s cycle paths as well as useful information about the activity. It is the ideal entry-point to provide your guests with a representative overview of the main cycling offer that they can experience in Luxembourg, with guidance where to find more specific information. Is your accommodation/company well-positioned to promote active tourism? Why not have them on display at your reception.

  • © LFT


    Grand Tour de Luxembourg (map)

    The map is not only for classic car fans, but for anyone wishing hit the road to explore the beauty of the country. This foldable map provides geographic orientation of signposted routes as well as practical information. Invite your guests with a vehicle to discover the different road trips around the country on more than 450 km of varied routes.

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Publications for the capital & regions

LCTO publications map
© Mike Zenari
Luxembourg City Tourist Office

Here you will find all the brochures available free of charge from the Luxembourg City Tourist Office.

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Éislek Hiking maps
© Visit Éislek
Visit Éislek

Order all our publications in the Visit Éislek Partner area and stay up to date.

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People reading the Minett Trail map
© Pulsa Pictures_ORT SUD
Visit Minett

The entire region at a glance - just order our print brochures. Let us know which ones you're interested in, and we're sure to save them for you.

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Visit Remich
© Pancake! Photographie
Visit Moselle

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